Library of Best Mass Communication College in India

About Library

The SCMC library was established in 2008 and it has a well-stocked collection of books, covering a broad range of technical and non-technical subjects pertaining to mass media and communication management. We subscribe to a wide assortment of national and international newspapers, e-magazines and online streaming such as Netflix and amazon Prime. The member of the library has given remote access to more than 45,000 E-Journals, 200000 E-Books and 14 E-Databases through the library portal subscribed by institutional library as well as central library. There is a separate section of the Digital library in the library that students can get access to e-resources.

We have an audio-visual library with an extensive collection of Indian and foreign classic films, documentaries, radio and television programmes in English, Hindi and other foreign/regional languages.

All the functions of SCMC Library are being done through a computerized process and KOHA integrated library Management software is being used to manage all administrative functions of the Library. OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) of books and other reading material are accessible from any location.


In addition to the Institutionally subscribed resources, the library users have also access to the resources of the central library

Sr. No. Library Resources Total No.
1 Books 5821
2 Newspapers 8
3 Back Volumes 46
Non Print
S.No Library Resources Name of Databases Links
1 E-magazines 1) The Ken (Indian Edition)

2) Harvard Business Review

3) Newslaundry

2 Online streaming 1) Netflix



4) Apple TV


3 Film Archives 1177
Library Timing
Days Library Hours
Monday – Friday 8.30am to 6.00pm
Saturday 8.30am to 4.30pm
Sunday Closed
Examination days 8.30am to 6.00pm
General Rules
  • Identity card is mandatory when you visit library.
  • Silence has to be maintained at all times in the library.
  • Eatable and drinks are not allowed inside the library
  • Use of mobile inside the library is prohibited.
  • Students can borrow up to three books at a time for 15 days
  • Reference books and Journals / Magazines will not be issued; but are available for study within the Library
  • In case a member wish to bring his/her personal reading resources to the library premises; he/she has to inform the library staff and seek permission for the same.
  • Readers should not mark / tear/misuse/damage the reading material/library property. If found so he/she will be charge for replace/pay full value for the loss and may lead to debar from library.
  • On leaving the Library, users are required to show books and other items being taken out of the Library.
  • The library staff on duty has the right to request a user to leave the Library premises if he/she is found to be violating any of the library rules.
Caution Notice
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