Ranked globally in the 641- 650 range
Ranked 2nd Best Private University in India
Ranked 31st in the world and 1st in India for Employer Reputation
Ranked 601+ globally and 39th in India for Academic Reputation
Ranked 680 globally and 14th in India for Faculty Student Ratio
Ranked 648 globally and 8th in India for International Faculty
Ranked 701+ globally and 8th in India for International Students
Ranked 701+ globally and 23rd in India for Employment Outcome
Ranked 701+ globally and 32nd in India for Sustainability
Ranked 701+ globally and 41st for International Research Network
Ranked 701+ globally and 44th in India for Citations per Faculty

140th in the World & 6th in India in Business & Management Studies
389th in the World & 10th in India in Social Sciences & Management
Between 551-600 in the World & 2nd in India in Computer Science & Information Systems

216th In Asia
42nd In Southern Asia
23rd In India

862nd Globally
256th In Asia
32nd In India

Ranked in the 351- 400 Band in Asia
22nd position in India
12th for International Outlook within India
65th for Teaching in India
64th for Industry in India
32nd for Research Quality in India
49th for Research Environment in India
Ranked between 801-1000 Globally (Overall)
437th Citation Rank (Globally)
23rd in India (Overall)
Ranked amongst the top 800 – 1000 Universities in the World

Ranked among the top 201 - 250 Universities in Asia
Ranked among the top 251 – 300 Universities in Asia

Ranked in the 401-500 band in Social Sciences
Ranked in the 501-600 band in Business & Economics
Ranked in the 501-600 band in Accounting & Finance
Ranked in the 401-500 band in Computer Science
Ranked in the 601-800 band in Engineering

Ranked between 301- 400 Globally & 10th in India (Overall)
54th Globally and 2nd in India in ‘Responsible consumption and production’
Ranked between 201-300 Globally and 11th in India in ‘Gender equality’
Ranked between 301-400 Globally and 11th in India in ‘Good health and well-being’
Ranked between 301-400 Globally and 12th in India in ‘Partnership for the goals’

Awarded DIAMOND rating to Symbiosis International (Deemed University) in Indian colleges and universities in 2023.

The only Indian University to have received the Asia Pacific Quality Label (APQL) in 2019 for Five Years
Awarded the 2000W Smart Cities Certification from the 2000W Smart Cities Association, Switzerland

Re-accredited for the 3rd cycle with an ‘A++ grade’
Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) has Awarded Category - I Status to Symbiosis International (Deemed University) in 2018.

31st Among Universities
5th In Law Category
13th In Management category

32nd Among Universities
59th Overall
6th In Law Category
17th In Management category
38th among Universities
68th in Overall category
9th in Law category
20th in Management category
43rd among Universities
73rd in Overall category
22nd in Management category
8th in Law category
56th among Universities
82nd in Overall category
20th in Management category
7 th in Law category
44th among Universities
67th in Overall category
18th in Management category
9th in Law category
97th in Overall category
61st among Universities

Ranked 1st in the country in Residential campuses category in MHRDs Swachhta Ranking 2018
Ranked 10th in the category "University & Deemed to be University (Private/Self Financed) (Technical)" in Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievement (ARIIA) 2021.